About deb - dAOArtWorks

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About deb

debra Ann Overbey
debra Ann Overbey

Moxie - cutest and smartest doggo in the entire World
Debra Overbey lives with her husband and her freakishly cute and brilliant "Covid" doggo Moxie, on wooded lake property  in Dexter, Michigan. When the Chain of Lakes gets too busy, she  retreats to their cabin in northern Wisconsin. During the winter, she takes weather breaks in Ft. Myers, Florida. An introvert bordering on  reclusive, deb relishes seclusion.  

After  a 34-year career as a very left-brained high school librarian, deb now  spends time exploring the very foreign right side of her brain through  various handcrafts.   

She values laughter  and time with family which includes 5 grandchildren, and several grand-dogs. She enjoys the diverse lifestyles of her 3 children -  a rural horse farm, urban life in historic Indian Village of Detroit,  and a Chicago suburb.

She also enjoys playing golf, foot golf (look it up!), games of any kind, yoga, reading, world-wide travel and she finds never ending fascination with  the Mysteries of the Universe.  

c 2020 debra Overbey
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